BROWN FINTUBE FRANCE ENERGY is one of the main worldwide leaders on the market of Vertical Vaporizers (Bayonet Heat Exchangers). Due to decades of experiences and plenty of equipment designed and fabricated for the oil & gaz (refining) and chemical markets, the adapted tailor-made solutions brought are very high level to satisfy customers expectations in terms of vaporization process in severe conditions and for the maintainability of the equipment.
Our Company has built many Vertical Bayonet Vaporizers for a wide range of fluids and applications. Equipment largely dedicated to severe conditions worldwide (eg. in the middle east for the most important oil producers in Saudi Arabia – Marjan & Ras Tanura, Irak – Bashrah, Egypt – Midor, France – Solvay, Takreer – Emirates).
These vertical exchangers are suitable for fluids like liquified petroleum gases, light hydrocarbon liquids, ammonia, chlorine and other chemical liquids.
Vertical position and bayonet tubes bundle allow the thermal expansion of the tubes and reduce mechanical stress linked to heat.
The bayonet vaporizers (bayonet tubes in scabbard tubes or pipe heaters) construction has several advantages over other types of vaporizing equipment: its flexibility, since the liquid height varies depending on the desired power and a small footprint.